Hello world! I'm

Francisco Lara

Web Developer based in Málaga, Spain

  • HTML
  • Angular
  • React
  • Mysql
  • nestjs
  • js
  • js
  • HTML
  • Angular
  • React
  • Mysql
  • nestjs
  • js
  • js
Work Experience
  1. Intern Front Developer - ParatyTech

    Front-end Developer Intern at ParatyTech. Advanced skills in SCSS, HTML, and jQuery, contributing to the development of visually appealing and responsive web applications.

  2. Front Developer - ParatyTech

    Junior Front-end Developer at ParatyTech, I worked extensively with SCSS, HTML, jQuery and python, responsible for web error management, also I've worked in React projects but less intensely

    Learn more
  1. Associate Degree in Web Developing

  2. Master Cibersecurity


    Moonpets - A functional shelter website

    Created using Angular and NestJs. It's a database that own shelters and pets adoption programs to reduce animal abuse.

    • Angular
    • NestJs
    • Tailwind CSS
    Captura de pantalla del proyecto /Moonpets_login.png
    About me

    Hello, I'm Francisco, a 21-year-old web developer from Málaga. I completed my web developer studies two years ago and, after a year of working as a front-end developer, I've currently resumed my education in Cybersecurity.

    In my free time, I enjoy working on my own projects, tackling coding challenges, and participating in community conferences.

    Additionally, I contribute as a volunteer staff member at BiznagaFest a prominent tech event that attracted over 500 attendees in its 2023 edition.


    I am currently open to new projects and opportunities for collaboration. If you have any exciting ventures or potential collaborations in mind, please feel free to reach out.